🍎 Screen Time Guidelines: Model Healthy Screen Habits At Home
New screen time draft guidelines are now available to help encourage healthy screen use behaviors in Island schools. Following the ministerial directive on restricting cell phone use in schools, these draft guidelines, developed in collaboration with health expert Dr. Travis Saunders, provide educators with best practices on screen use that enhance student health, engagement and academic success while minimizing social and physical harm.
“While screens are present everywhere in our lives, it is our responsibility to help young people
develop smart screen use behaviors that positively benefit their learning and wellbeing. Providing
our educators with best practices as well as tips and tricks will give them the knowledge and flexibility
to choose when and how they use screens in the classroom. Technology can be a powerful learning tool, and we want to ensure that young people are equipped to make healthy, balanced decisions.”
- Minister of Education and Early Years Rob Lantz
PEI residents can review the guidelines and send their feedback to educationpolicy@gov.pe.ca
until February 6, 2025. Comments received will help inform the development of future resources for parents, guardians and students to apply similar approaches outside the classroom.
🍎 **Presidents' Annual Reports**
Each Home and School President is requested to write and submit their Annual Report to the Federation office by February 28. Please involve your executive team in helping you with the content. All reports will be included in the 72nd Annual Book of Reports. In your report, include activities from this school year, starting in September and ending in June. You can find tips on how to write your report by reviewing last year's 2024 Book of Reports at: https://peihsf.ca/agm/. If you need assistance, please contact Jeana MacIsaac at the PEIHSF office at info@peihsf.ca or 902-620-3187.
🍎 Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week:
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week is from February 10-14, 2025. Home and School Associations are planning ways to thank school staff during this week. Start brainstorming ideas now to express your gratitude to the staff.
🍎 Volunteer & Life Member Awards:
The Federation’s Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes one volunteer's significant contributions to helping volunteers in their local school communities. The Life Member acknowledges service to the provincial Federation. Associations may nominate Home and School volunteers for these awards by the deadline: March 2. Criteria and Form are online at: https://peihsf.ca/awards/
🍎 AGM coming in April"
The P.E.I. Home and School Federation's Annual General Meeting will be on April 12, 2025, at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel. The Federation office will mail the AGM package to presidents and information will be posted at: https://peihsf.ca/agm/ Plan to register 2-5 delegates to represent your school.
🍎 What do you know about the harms of youth vaping?
The Chief Public Health Office has developed a Smoking/Vaping presentation for junior and senior high students. The Tobacco Enforcement Officer (TEO), Kelly Campbell, has been actively trying to combat youth smoking/vaping in various ways and has presented to several intermediate-level classes. This presentation, aimed at parents/adults, highlights associated with electronic smoking devices (ESDs). The high-level topics addressed include:
• Terminology/Types of Electronic Smoking Devices
• Nicotine Replacement Therapies
• What is in a Vape
• Effects of Social Media
• Nicotine Content of Vapes
• PEI Examples of Confiscated Products (from schools)
• Ways to Hide Vapes (e.g. highlighter, sharpie, etc.)
• Safe Disposal
• Fire Safety Concerns
• Resources
I urge all Junior and Senior High Home and School/Parent Council groups to schedule a time for Kelly to speak to parents during your local school meetings. The goal is to equip adults with comprehensive information so they can effectively discuss the harms of vaping with their children and be more aware of the products available and their potential health effects. He wants to present to every school community in Prince Edward Island. Please contact him directly at kdcampbell@ihis.org.
🍎 Pink Shirt Day Canada 2025 “Choose kindness!”
Join in the national celebration on February 26th and help to eliminate bullying and discrimination in all its forms.
For more information go to: https://pinkshirtdaycanada.ca/
Shirley Smedley Jay
Executive Director
P.E.I. Home and School Federation
PO Box 1012 Charlottetown PEI C1A 7M4
(40 Enman Crescent Rm 121 Charlottetown PEI C1E 1E6)
902-620-3186 / 902-218-8916
Home and School Meeting Minutes October 10th, 2024 at 6:30
Agenda for the meeting was brought forward by Home and School President Tanya Arsenault.
School Principal spoke about the importance of the Home and School committee. The objectives of Home & School are to bring together parents, guardians, teachers, administrators and staff to promote the total well-being of children and the highest standards of education for each child in the province.
The Home and School committee works in partnership with other organizations that foster this ideal and assist in developing policies related particularly to quality education for each child. We work primarily by offering support to, and coordination between, our local members and believe that the participation of parents and guardians in the education of our children is vital.
Home and School generally meets 4-6 times throughout the school year.
Welcome to the following members of our Home & School Executive committee this year:
President - Tanya Arsenault
Vice President- Greg Alsop
Secretary- Millefiore Clarkes
Treasurer- Keir Lowther
An update on the Home and School Budget was shared by the Treasurer. With fundraising efforts last year such as the Spring Fling, Goldrush Draw and Bake Sales the Home and School is happy with their starting budget this year.
Current Fundraising from the school- Natasha spoke about the current fundraising initiatives including the coupon booklets which will be on sale until the end of October. Last year the money raised from the coupon book sale was used to buy new furniture for the school library, books and technology for the classrooms.
This year a fundraising focus will be on raising funds for the school playground. The school is looking to establish a subcommittee for on the playground initiative. Their will be a playground survey sent out to students, staff and parents- to help the committee create a vision for the playground for years to come. Possible fundraisers from the home and school: ADL cheese sale, bake sales, continuing with Goldrush COSPEI
Wishlist Items also being fundraised for.
-The IXL math subscription – an online program is due for renewal soon.
-The school would also like to explore stand-up desks for classrooms to support learning.
-Goldrush Draw:
Help Prince Street School Home and School raise funds to support school initiatives.
COSPEI benefits students all across PEI.
Each week, for $5, you can enter for a chance to win a growing jackpot! The best part is, even if you don't win, you are supporting Prince Street School - every time you play, a portion of your ticket payment goes right back to PSS Home and School! All you have to do is sign up at https://cospei.goldrush.causable.io/login
Sign up and select Prince Street as the school you are supporting.
There is even an option to be entered automatically each week!
Don't want to play yourself but have family or friends who might like to enter for a chance to win a jackpot?
Good luck and thank you for supporting Prince Street Elementary School!
President Tanya Arsenault is planning on attending the Home and School Semi-Annual Meeting at Central Queens Elementary
Upcoming events:
• Parent Teacher interviews in November- school will continue to use the online system.
• Support from Home and School may be needed for a school art sale and book fair.
• Winter Celebration and Christmas Concerts will be in December – a bake sale will take place during these events. The Home and School will be asking for baked goods. Information to be shared soon.
• Meeting of the new Playground committee
• Spring Fling planning